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Natural Disaster Response for Sponsors

Immediate Needs vs. Urgent Needs

If an associate is in an area impacted by a natural disaster, The Homer Fund offers two ways to assist with necessities.

  1. Associates with an immediate need for safe shelter, food and clothing may be eligible for an emergency natural disaster grant.
  2. Associates with the need for repairs or establishing a new residence may qualify for the standard Direct Grant.

Please review the explanations below to determine how The Homer Fund might assist with needs related to a natural disaster.


The emergency natural disaster grant is available for associates in IMMEDIATE need of safe shelter, sufficient food and adequate clothing due to a natural disaster. The emergency process is available for short time (typically, 3-5 days post-strike), and qualifying associates are those who fit the following description:

  • Associates living in a mandatory or strongly recommended evacuation area
  • Associates who cannot afford the costs related to emergency evacuation and temporary displacement (i.e., paying for temporary housing & food while displaced)
    • Evacuating associates who will be staying with family/friends do not qualify for assistance with housing
  • The loss of electricity alone does not qualify for a grant UNLESS electricity is a medical necessity or power has been out for 48 hours.
  • Associates apply primarily through a member of local management
    • In large scale events, associates may submit requests via phone
  • Grant funds will be distributed primarily via payroll transaction and funds will be available in 2 business days
  • For same-day needs, a Western Union wire may be issued for immediate access
    • Associates with same-day needs will be required to physically pick-up funds at a local Western Union outlet
    • Access to funds via Western Union are determined locally and availability may be limited based on local conditions (many outlets may be closed for operation)
    • Western Union confirmation numbers will be provided via email, so please provide accurate email address for associates
    • Associates must provide an email address in order to retrieve the required confirmation number to access their Western Union funds
  • Associates must use funds for housing, food and/or clothing


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The Homer Fund's standard Direct Grant application is available for post-storm needs for associates who need assistance to:

  • pay insurance deductibles, and/or
  • replace clothing
  • pay past due rent/mortgage
  • pay past due basic utilities (electricity, gas and water only)
  • pay past due car loan/insurance
  • pay for extended timeframe in hotel after the home in which the associate was living is severely damaged or destroyed
  • move into a new residence after the home in which the associate was living is severely damaged or destroyed
  • repair current/primary residence due to being uninsured or underinsured (structural, not aesthetic); the associate must own the home and have partnered with their insurance company prior to applying for Homer Fund assistance
    • The Homer Fund will only focus on structural necessary to return the associate's home to a safe and livable condition
    • The Homer Fund will not consider aesthetic repairs or repairs outside the main residence (for example, fence or garage repair)
  • pay insurance deductibles; the associate must own the home and have partnered with their insurance company prior to applying for Homer Fund assistance, and/or
  • offset cost of replacing clothing and food

Applications are to be submitted by local management post-disaster once need is determined and appropriate documentation (i.e., insurance claim letter, repair estimates, etc.) is received.

To reach a Homer Fund staff member with questions or concerns, please email
